Social Justice & Advocacy

Scripture teaches us that the world is a fallen place. In a fallen world there are many situations of oppression and exploitation that tear down God's creation. As a people called to build up the kingdom of God, it is our duty to be a voice for those whose voices are not heard, to call out systems of exploitation, and to seek to transform unjust structures to be in harmony with God's purpose in all things.

Transcona Park Housing Association

Immanuel's volunteers are involved in the Transcona Park Housing Association by acting as members of the Non-Profit's board of directors.   Volunteers from St. Cecilia's Roman Catholic Church, Christ Lutheran Church, and the Rosemont-Mount Royal Community Association also are part of the association's board.   Denro Property Management continues to manage the property and continues a good working relationship with the Board of Directors.  The on-site manager continues to be a great asset in placing tenants, collecting rents, ensuring maintenances are completed, and monitoring the property for security and maintenance matters.  

Please contact Denro Property Management if you are looking for housing or have questions.  Their website is and their phone number is along with is (306) 586-1501

Transcona Parking Housing Association is responsible for 35 low-income town-house units, 46 subsidized housing units, and one commercial rental space (currently in a long-term lease with Solid Futures, a daycare & early learning centre).  The units are located in Rosemont subdivision just north-west of the corner of Lewvan Drive and 4th Avenue on Transcona Place / Rosemont Crescent / Forget Street / 1st Avenue.