Ministries by Life Stage

Immanuel Children and Youth

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (Mark 10:14)

Children, youth and their families are one of the key centres around which Immanuel operates. 


Sunday School

Sunday School for 2024-25 will start up again on September 8th.  The children come into church and stay for the children's message and then go upstairs.  They return to church for communion. 

There will be a pot-luck lunch following the service on the 8th to celebrate Back To Church Sunday.

We will continue to have two groups.  We have a class for younger children, and another for those ready for more in-depth learning of the Bible and participating and exploring church services.  Children typically make the shift around grade 6, but all children are welcome to join the group which is best for them.   We also have a nursery located next to the kitchen in the church hall.  A TV is set up so that you can watch the live-streamed service while tending to your babies and toddlers.

The schedule for Sunday School is normally every Sunday at 10:00 am from September to June with a break over Christmas.  

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please feel free to contact me at 306-501-7364 or email


Gwen Rupchan, Sunday School Champion

Tweens Program   

The tweens program is a joint venture between Immanuel and Our Savior's Lutheran, which is just down the street from us at 190 Massey Road.  The program is geared for those in grades 5 - 8 and includes a service project, a lesson/devotional time and some fun each time.  We meet monthly on the last Friday of the month during the school year.

Our first night will be in October this year.

Here are some pictures from the fall of 2023: