
Children's Programs at Immanuel

Check out our Children's Ministry page to see what's happening at Immanuel for children.

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Lifelong Learning at Immanuel

Rev. Eimsook Joung is leading a Evening Advent Meditation on Wednesdays at 7pm click HERE to read more

Rev. Blair Dixon is leading a Bible Study on Thursday afternoons at 1:30

TWEENS Night - January 31

The next Tweens Night will be held on Friday, January 31 at Our Savior's Lutheran Church.  The fun begins at 6:30 pm.

We'll be making cookies and watching the movie Incanto.  Check out the poster   HERE

email kidsquest@immanuelanglicanregina.ca if you have any questions.

Indigenous Ministry at Immanuel

Check out our Indigenous Ministry page to see what Immanuel is doing!

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Orange Shirt Day Program - Read about it!

Click on this LINK to read about our day and see some great pictures!

School Days Off VBS

We offer a FREE, full day program on days when the Regina Public Schools are out for a Professional Development Day.

Check out all the dates and information on our POSTER  

The next one is MONDAY, MARCH 10, 2025.  Watch for more information and how to register.

Spotlight on our Volunteers

Our February Spotlight is shining on Lynda and Brent Gordon – two active helpers at Immanuel.

One of the big jobs they undertake is setting up tables and chairs whenever they are needed for functions in the hall, and ensuring that they are taken down and put away carefully after the event. This is a frequent need at the church and these two are always ready to help when called on. Click HERE to read more about Lynda and Brent Gordon.